Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palin steps down?!?

Lots of reasons but the full truth is not least that's my opinion. My opinion, she quit, she couldn't take the pressure of all the attacks, lawsuits, etc... Bottom line, no way can she hope to get the vote for president now in 2012, why would the American people vote for someone that might get bored with the office of President and quit?

Other than family, there is no good reason to quit with a year and a half to go in your term. You are not doing what's best for the people in AK...unless you feel you are not worth the office of governor. If that's the case, then you certainly aren't worth anything in politics either.

Meh...good luck AK!


Alaskan Camel said...

Preface: I am not a Palin fan, but I think I get her reason for quitting.

Alaska statutes do not allow a politician to profit (except for per diem and pay check) from the office. She would not be allowed to make her 3million $ book deal or profit from public engagements. Monetarily her decision makes sense. Hopefully, its also a good thing for Alaska as she has done more harm to this state than any other governor in Alaska history.

Tim Anderson said...

So she's greedy too? Perhaps politics is the right place for her then...kidding...but not really.

So when she's president and writes a book about it she'll quit instead of waiting to release it after her term.

I seriously hope she doesn't run in 2012. She would be too easy to attack.

Alaskan Camel said...

The Federal law is different. She can make money there. I really dont care if she runs or not, I dont think she stands a chance.

On a side note, I have lost a lot of faith (sorry for swearing) in many of my favorite talk show hosts with the way they jumped on her band waggon. It seems like nobody is thinking anymore.

Tim Anderson said...

Personally, I think it's less about people "thinking" and more about personal agendas. I think those talk show hosts you speak of are actually thinking quite well, or insidiously if you prefer. They use their power of persuasion to stir up the public.

Alaskan Camel said...

Good point, and to make profit. After all, it is just show biz.