Fox News is as famous for being conservative and one sided as CNN is famous for being liberal and one sided. Glenn Beck is bent on convincing America that socialism is bad and it's being brought on by the liberal government. He talks about "what makes this country great" etc... but can we sustain this conservative idea of capitalism forever?
I'm going to use an odd analogy here so bear with me. I'm a Trekkie, like so many others I watch Star Trek in it's many different flavors whenever I can. The world of Star Trek could be considered a socialist world government (they've rid themselves of the need for the accumalation of wealth and generally all work for the betterment of mankind) and yet I've never heard anyone complain that this idea is absurd or bad. Granted it's a kind of utopian socialism that's all but out of reach for our generation or our children's generation but why is socialism constantly bombarded by those that cling so tightly to "what makes America great"? Should we not strive for this type of World? If you follow Star Trek, you know that humanity had to endure 100+ years of war to achieve this utopian socialist society...I'm hoping that we don't have to go that low to achieve some or all of this ideal life.
That aside, those that talk about the American way being lost are stuck in the past. In order to be great we cannot allow ourselves to be stagnant and wallow in the ideas of those long dead. Let's be the leaders we think we are and write our own future.
First-Time Home Seller, Part III: The Move
5 years ago